Under the Skin words by Shama Khanna
From Kaleidoscope Issue 20 (Winter 2013/14)

The memorable reveal of the man behind the curtain twiddling knobs and simulating the booming, god-like voice of Oz by rascally Toto the dog is an apt metaphor for how the authority of the voice-over crumbled towards a post-historical pluralism of voices. The persistence of enlightenment theories of the West, however—where objective knowledge of the world is key to the progress of civilization—signaled that a hierarchy between the mind and body, and the attitudes and cultures that subscribe to this way of the world, still remained: “It is the confrontation of mind with matter which brings the object into being,” reads a female voice in Duncan Campbell’s recent film It For Others (2013), underlining this power relation. Contemporary artists working with the moving image analyze this separation of mind over body. Read more.