words by Pauline J. Yao

In the ever-expanding field of contemporary art, the definition of a curator has become an increasingly slippery one. The word has seeped into our everyday language, with everything from music festivals to birthday parties to cheese plates being “curated.”

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words by Gerd Elise Mørland

In moving from a major international urban art hub to life in a small city way out in the art periphery, from New York to Norway to become director of Kunsthall Stavanger, curator Hanne Mugaas was following the pattern set by her generation of curators:

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words by Laura McLean-Ferris

Sarah Rifky once chose to sing Haddaway’s 1990s Eurodance hit “What is Love?” in a talk explaining the difficulties of approaching the question “what is an institution?” (Lyrics: “What is right? What is wrong? Give me a sign. What is love? Baby

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moderated by Chris Sharp

CHRIS SHARP: The large-scale exhibition is an exciting and challenging topic. Some people have a very antagonistic relationship vis-à-vis the large-scale, or perhaps better put, perennial exhibition, seeing in it little more than a prolonged instant of curatorial hubris,

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moderated by Jason Hwang

JASON HWANG: If museums and galleries are the elephants and crocodiles of art spaces, what kind of animal is your space? And why? KUNSTHALLE LISSABON (Luis Silva and João Mourão): We have to go with the fox. When googling

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words by Ilaria Gianni

Luca Lo Pinto and I have known each other for a long time, since we met in 2002 in a contemporary art history class at the University of Rome. Even then, it was very clear to him that he wanted to become a curator. He has always

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words by Nicolás Guagnini

I met Alex Gartenfeld sometime between 2004 and 2006. Where I met him is also fuzzy in my memory — maybe in the corridors of Columbia University’s Barnard College, or at some opening in the very incipient Lower East Side. At

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Stephan Trüby interviewed by Carson Chan

CARSON CHAN: You’ve been teaching Spatial Design at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) since 2009, and later this year you will start teaching at Technical University Munich. In your pedagogy, what is architecture?

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